mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Cert update / v0.64

01.09.2010 09.38 -

Okay, I released v0.64 for 2nd/2nd2/5th and updated the cert on the 3rd. Why no 0.64 for 3rd? Because the SDK won't compile the binary with a newer compiler and I don't have an older one and since it's GCC and Nokia and stuff, you know the drill. Maybe I'll get it working someday. But at least mIRGGI should install directly from the URLs.

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Silence is breathtaking...

08.02.2010 10.16 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

I know, I've been quiet, the certificate is old and the source isn't available. I do apologize. I currently don't even have a machine that would have a working system for compiling mIRGGI, since Carbide sucks, the SDKs suck and Nokia doesn't care about compatibility. You know, the Symbian SDK emulators crash on most people on Win7. It's not like Nokia'd have had time to test them and fix the problems (since they knew they crash on Vista and they barely work on XP). And I'm saying Nokia, because they own Symbian. I'm not letting them use any more of this "it's not our fault, it's Symbian's" stuff.

So I'll try to get the certificate thingy fixed by compiling new versions and the source up somewhere so the interested parties can take a look. Beware: no comments. But that's normal, right?

I'm horribly busy with my studies and stressed out. If you want to cheer me up, send me a plain old postcard. That would be so nice. The address is:

Sami Kuhmonen
Suovatie 18A
FI-01660 Vantaa

But please, no pipe bombs or anything like that. Thanks!

Kommentit (23) | Kommentoi

And the promised stuff...

13.12.2009 21.16 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Oh well, you really don't like me enough :( But as promised, I'll give you something. mIRGGI goes shared source. Which means that I'll open the source, you can add to it and send in the patches and whatnot, but it's not GPL or other crap. One big reason is that I don't want 843975984 forks of mIRGGI just because of "I want this dot to be there and not here" folks. And you're not allowed to use parts of mIRGGI in your own projects. Just because I'm evil.

So stay tuned. It'll happen soon. I just have a physics exam tomorrow, for which I haven't studied, and other stuff. But soon. You'll get to wonder the horrors of my coding and make mIRGGI even better.

Good? Bad? Don't care? At least the development shouldn't be just on my shoulders.

Kommentit (11) | Kommentoi

On the Second Day of Christmas...

02.12.2009 21.51 -

Kommentit (5) | Kommentoi

On the first day of Christmas...

01.12.2009 07.27 -

Huge apologies once again for not being able to support mIRGGI as much as I'd like to. I've started studies and had enough to do without blowing my brains out with Symbian :(

But hey, here's the thing: give me something on these first 12 days of December and I'll give you back improvements. And, if you're nice enough, I have a huge surprise on the 13th!

But what to give and how? That's for you to decide. Of course since I'm a student and don't work at the moment, the easy option is money. Sure, if you like. My account number is FI75 2303 2100 5264 47 / NDEAFIHH and I do order from Amazon sometimes, but more from Play.com. So gift certificates are welcome. But don't stop there. Money is the easy option. Think creatively! :)

Also I don't want this to sound like "I'm not gonna do anything before I get my paycheck." That's not the point. It's just that I've put a lot of time and effort to mIRGGI and now that I really have to think about what to do with my limited time, I'd like to be encouraged :)

And yes, the payback for you on the 13th is huge, if you're nice!

To make the point clear: I'm not soliciting money. I'm soliciting some nice presents, which hopefully are something else than money and tell me something about you. But I do accept money, too, if you can't think of anything else.

Kommentit (1) | Kommentoi

CTCP Ping Crash

20.07.2009 11.01 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Those of you that get crashes with CTCP Pings, please send a comment with the device you're using, the version of mIRGGI, name and version of the client you use to ping and if it always crashes.

I haven't gotten the crash to happen so this would help me find the exact cause.

Kommentit (19) | Kommentoi

Version 0.63 out!

06.07.2009 14.34 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Ok, it's out. Sorry it took so long, but now the settings work again.

BTW, you can always get the previous version of mirggi using one of these URLs (just change the version number to what you want):

  • http://mirggi.net/mIRGGI_060.sisx
  • http://mirggi.net/mIRGGI_5th_060.sisx
  • http://mirggi.net/mIRGGI_2nd_060.sis
  • http://mirggi.net/mIRGGI_2nd2_060.sis

Kommentit (78) | Kommentoi

Version 0.63 coming

06.07.2009 13.41 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

I finally have time to address the problem with 0.62 not working if it is installed on a clean phone without settings. Hopefully I'll have a working version out within the hour at the latest.

Update: Problem found, compiling new version and uploading...

Kommentit (2) | Kommentoi

Version 0.62 is out!

19.06.2009 17.20 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Version 0.62 should now fix the problems with 5th edition. I had to change the volume keys to function as channel changing buttons since 5800 XpressMusic has no other usable buttons. Settings for servers work (they worked before if you changed them, clicked left and then back) and I changed the default colors to white background and black text.

Otherwise it's the same as 0.61 and 0.60, so only 5th edition users have to update.

To type in, you have to click the input line (I know it's a bit small, I'll make it larger), write with the virtual keyboard and press enter on the virtual kb to send it.

Kommentit (33) | Kommentoi

Version 0.61 out!

10.06.2009 20.54 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Ok, I finally got my head messed up enough to figure out why the settings weren't working on the 5th edition devices. It's now fixed in 0.61. You can get the versions from the normal locations, 5th edition is at http://5th.mirggi.net/ from now on.

There are no major changes in this version, mainly the 5th edition compatibility and update to the Estonian translation (thanks Henrik!)

Oh, and naturally the certificate thingy is fixed. No need to change dates on your phones to install. Sorry for the delay :(

Text input on 5th edition seems "a bit" shaky, I'll try to fix it now!

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