mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Silence is breathtaking...

08.02.2010 10.16 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

I know, I've been quiet, the certificate is old and the source isn't available. I do apologize. I currently don't even have a machine that would have a working system for compiling mIRGGI, since Carbide sucks, the SDKs suck and Nokia doesn't care about compatibility. You know, the Symbian SDK emulators crash on most people on Win7. It's not like Nokia'd have had time to test them and fix the problems (since they knew they crash on Vista and they barely work on XP). And I'm saying Nokia, because they own Symbian. I'm not letting them use any more of this "it's not our fault, it's Symbian's" stuff.

So I'll try to get the certificate thingy fixed by compiling new versions and the source up somewhere so the interested parties can take a look. Beware: no comments. But that's normal, right?

I'm horribly busy with my studies and stressed out. If you want to cheer me up, send me a plain old postcard. That would be so nice. The address is:

Sami Kuhmonen
Suovatie 18A
FI-01660 Vantaa

But please, no pipe bombs or anything like that. Thanks!



trancehell (anon, 17.02.2010 10.58) kotisivu


Sorry for commenting in the unappropriate place, but I did not find any related post, and I thought this would be the most visible as it is the latest.

I use mirggi s60v3, v.0.63 on a Nokia E51 and it works smooth and nice, with one exception I could not find a workaround:
It crashes to OS when I join a channel that has color-codes in the Status (and presumably font-attributes: bold, italics, etc). I tried using the command /strip -burc, to get rid ( - ) of bold (B), underline (U), etc but it doesn't get recognized.

It is not a fire emergency, but I guess it's critical for many users, since they may log in to funny codes status channels.

I hope I did not disturb the normal order of the things with my post :) I don't want to start an intergalactic conflict.

Thank you ! :*


SuperWanker (anon, 26.02.2010 15.34)

Hi wanted to know how I can delete the list of channels... they are all saved and sometimes I enter a channel i don't like and never visit again, and it makes me spend more time scrolling for other channels i do visit.

CannibalSmith (anon, 18.03.2010 17.27)

Release the source and let us do the work for you!

Tommi (anon, 19.03.2010 22.49)

Moro! Voisko mIRGGIä suunnitella kosketusnäyttö puhelimeen? Toimi kyllä, mutta ei ollut tai ainakaan löytynyt näppäimiä käyttämiseen. itselläni Nokia X6-00 millä testasinkin.

n0tim3 (anon, 15.04.2010 01.18)

nice work. Just installed it on my device, but i'm not able to switch the windows (since there is no hardware keyboard) :/ ... would be nice if you release the code, so i can add a bit of touchscreen compatibillity :)


jou (anon, 24.04.2010 04.34)

exit button should be send text button. or some easy way to send text in nokia x6

ahmed ali (anon, 27.05.2010 04.23)

hey thnxs for that programme ...i have a nokia n97 i downloaded the programme and when i connec to irc server (any server) it connects and connection is in progress then all of a sudden it says closing link and ping time out and then it dissconnect...i dunno why that ive tried a programme b4 called jmirc same thing happned...and i am using my telephone comapny service provider connectiong through it...dunno if that a problem in connection or what ...i wish to know what to do? So plz anyone can help me and send me an email with what i can do ...and thnxs

Alan Burlison (anon, 16.07.2010 19.05) kotisivu

I've just upgraded my E71 to 500.21.009 and now I can't mIRGGI even with cert checking disabled - I get a "Certificate Expired" error. So it looks like mIRGGI is finally dead on recent firmware :-(

myco (anon, 21.07.2010 08.53)

yup - certificate expired for me too :(
my hunt for irc for my 1st s60 continues lol

Tiina (anon, 23.07.2010 12.48) kotisivu

Itselläni on tämä nokian 5530 XpressMusic (s60, 5th Edition) puhelin. Ohjelma toimi puhelimella muuten hyvin, mutta käyttöä häiritsee kaksi asiaa: tekstiä ei pysty lähettämään, koska ei löydy mitään "lähetys" nappulaa (kirjoittamaan siis pystyi), eikä "sivuja" voi vaihdella, koska vaihtamista varten pitäsi painaa mahottoman pientä pikseliä yläreunassa. Ajattelin kertoa nämä seikat, jos joskus innostuisit ja jaksat vähän säätämään. :) Ja niin, muille: jos valittaa ettei varmennetta löydy, niin vaihtakaa vuosi taaksepäin, niin antaa asentaa.

And in bad english: if you get "Certificate Expired" error, please and change date in your phone to 2009 and it will install mirggi to you without problem.

peg (anon, 01.08.2010 00.19)

these inapropriate comments on a post card request post are so funny..i just can wish u good luck on ur exams

Marioysikax (anon, 06.08.2010 14.34) kotisivu

Yritän etsiä jostain postikortteja :)

@Tommi ja Tiina: Kanavien vaihto onnistuu volyyminapilla tosi kätsysti. Tekstiä saa lähetettyä ensin painamalla kirjoituskohtaa jolloin aukeaa näppäimistö ja kirjoittaessa painamalla enter napilla ja vasta sen jälkeen OK nappia.

Ihan vain vinkkinä kehittäjälle että kannattaisi fixata jonkunlainen erillinen lähetysnappi s60v5 versioon siihen kirjoituspalkin päähän ja korjata grafiikkavirheet painikkeiden välistä vaakasuuntatilassa (tai laittaa lähetä nappi niiden grafiikkavirheiden päälle) ;)
Voin lähettää kuvakaappauksen jos et tiedä mistä puhun.

s60v3 vaihto s60v5 kapulaan sujui hyvin kun mirggikin toimii <3

Mike (anon, 24.08.2010 16.48) kotisivu

Hey Symbiatch :o

Sorry to bother you and if this is the wrong place for this. But I really need advise here.

I just installed mIRGGI on my n97 mini and it looks smooth and cute and all. But it just won't connect to any server. Everytime I try to connect, it gives me thr exact same stuff. :(

* Resolving server adress.
* Connecting to server...

And that's it. It just stops there. :/

The server etc. is all correct, so that shouldn't be the problem.

Any advise on how to fix this?

I was so happy when I finally found an IRC client for my phone. It would rip my heart into a thousand pieces to know that I won't be able to use it properly. :(

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work! Can't wait for the source code to be released! :D

- Mike

Mike (anon, 24.08.2010 16.48) kotisivu

Hey Symbiatch :o

Sorry to bother you and if this is the wrong place for this. But I really need advise here.

I just installed mIRGGI on my n97 mini and it looks smooth and cute and all. But it just won't connect to any server. Everytime I try to connect, it gives me thr exact same stuff. :(

* Resolving server adress.
* Connecting to server...

And that's it. It just stops there. :/

The server etc. is all correct, so that shouldn't be the problem.

Any advise on how to fix this?

I was so happy when I finally found an IRC client for my phone. It would rip my heart into a thousand pieces to know that I won't be able to use it properly. :(

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work! Can't wait for the source code to be released! :D

- Mike

Mike (anon, 24.08.2010 16.48) kotisivu

Hey Symbiatch :o

Sorry to bother you and if this is the wrong place for this. But I really need advise here.

I just installed mIRGGI on my n97 mini and it looks smooth and cute and all. But it just won't connect to any server. Everytime I try to connect, it gives me thr exact same stuff. :(

* Resolving server adress.
* Connecting to server...

And that's it. It just stops there. :/

The server etc. is all correct, so that shouldn't be the problem.

Any advise on how to fix this?

I was so happy when I finally found an IRC client for my phone. It would rip my heart into a thousand pieces to know that I won't be able to use it properly. :(

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work! Can't wait for the source code to be released! :D

- Mike

Mike (anon, 24.08.2010 16.55) kotisivu

Oh my goodness, sorry for flooding your blog. My Opera Mobile messed things up again. :S

Now I just found out that after a few minutes of waiting, you get the sysError -33 and it disconnects from the server. Any clue?

Hapa (anon, 27.08.2010 23.59)

mIRGGI 5th edition varmenne ei voimassa ilmo. Puhelimen päivämäärän muutoskaan ei auta.

Marioysikax (anon, 01.09.2010 09.36) kotisivu

@hapa: Allekirjoita omilla filuilla niin pitäisi ainakin silloin toimia. Voi tilata täältä: http://cer.opda.cn/en/

Symbiatch (anon, 01.09.2010 09.39)

Varmenteet uusittu, vihdoinkin.

mgis (anon, 09.12.2011 04.11)

Hi, I just wanted to thank for this nice program but please keep it up. Ill send a postcard4u. And to you guys with connection problems, it works for me as of 12.2011 on 5800xm but no way to change windows

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