mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

v0.4.3 available

20.04.2007 22.38 - mobiili 

Ok, so I got the crap working. Now I know something more about Symbian once again :P

So 0.4.3 fixes the stuff with windows not updating (only titlebar changed etc), nothing much more. Get it, at least if you were so unlucky you installed 0.4.2. Sorry.

Kommentit (11) | Kommentoi

v0.4.2 available

19.04.2007 10.14 - mobiili 

Note! v0.4.2 seems to be a bit broken. Don't download it yet.

I have just released v0.4.2. It contains the following features:

  • Turkish character set (Windows 1254)
  • Greek character set (Windows 1253)
  • Baltic character set (Windows 1257)
  • Password is sent to the server
  • Less flashing with channel activity
  • Pressing * will open inputbox and write /

Kommentit (6) | Kommentoi

Character set requirements

17.04.2007 11.50 - mobiili 

I have currently implemented these character sets in mIRGGI:

  • Latin1
  • UTF-8
  • Russian (Windows 1251)
  • Greek (Windows 1253)
  • Turkish (Windows 1254)
  • Baltic (Windows 1257)

Is there any need for additional charsets? Hebrew (1255)? Arabic (1256)? Or do you use UTF8 already in other regions of the world?

Also a note on the Auto UTF-8 setting in decoding. What it means is that every line received is checked and if there are any UTF-8 sequences found, we'll decode the line as UTF-8. Otherwise it's shown as Latin1. This way you can be on channels that have users with Latin1 and UTF-8 mixed and you'll always get correct text.

Kommentit (1) | Kommentoi

mIRGGI for 2nd edition devices

16.04.2007 00.17 - mobiili 

I compiled mIRGGI for 2nd Edition devices. I tested it on N70 and 6260 and it's not that nice looking but it works. It does not have the backbuffer for the inputbox since it crashed but otherwise it works. Also the font size setting has no effect since the fonts aren't vector fonts as they are in 3rd edition.

Get it here!

Kommentit (1) | Kommentoi

v0.4.1 available

15.04.2007 23.21 - mobiili 

I got the backbuffer for input text working so I decided to release v0.4.1 right after v0.4. There are no other changes in this version.

Kommentit (3) | Kommentoi

v0.4 available

13.04.2007 22.11 - mobiili 

v0.4 has been released. It contains some fixes and some improvements:

  • copy/paste
  • T9 and channel activity won't mess up writing
  • /part or /leave without any parameters won't crash
  • When typing text and another window has activity, the window might change and typed text goes to wrong channel
  • When connecting with autojoin, screen flashes quite a bit
  • Input box height changes depending on the font size
  • Port number wasn't shown correctly in settings
  • Password wasn't always saved in settings
  • timestamps

Some of the things I wanted to get to this version were left to future versions so that I could get these improvements out for you to use. Hope you like it!

Kommentit (2) | Kommentoi

Bug reports

11.04.2007 09.35 - mobiili 

Please report all bugs found here as comments. Report the version used and the problem as accurately as you can (devices tested etc).

Currently known open issues

Currently no known issues on this list, though there are some. I'll update this list after 0.5 is out.

Fixed issues

N73, N80, N93 crashes when trying to use special characters in settings. Doesn't happen with E61 or emulator.
Fixed in 0.4.90
/msg nick something crashes
Fixed in v0.4.4
Kick reason had a : character in front
Fixed in v0.4.2
Screen flicker when channel activity on another channel
Fixed in v0.4.2
T9 and channel activity won't work
Fixed in v0.4
/part or /leave without any parameters may crash
Fixed in v0.4, without parameters will leave the current channel
When typing text and another window has activity, the window might change and typed text goes to wrong channel
Fixed in v0.4
When connecting with autojoin, screen flashes quite a bit
Fixed in v0.4
Input box is not always high enough to fit text with different font sizes
Fixed in v0.4
Port number isn't always saved in settings
Fixed in v0.4
Password isn't always saved in settings
Fixed in v0.3.2

Kommentit (121) | Kommentoi

Personal request for all my Russian comrades

09.04.2007 14.23 - musiikki 

I was in Санкт-Петербург a couple of years ago and I saw on MTV a video for the song Хуямба by Ленинград. If anyone has a nice quality version of it, please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

Kommentit (7) | Kommentoi

Requested features

08.04.2007 13.37 - mobiili 

I have gotten quite a few request for features and I also have some things I personally would like to have. I'll list them here and if you want something, just add a comment and I'll add it here. These requests are in no particular order whatsoever.

I also remove the things I've done from this list when they're available.

Nick list
Menu for most used commands
nick completion
Could be done since mIRGGI already tracks all users on a channel, probably NOT in v0.5, must figure out a key to do this
device specific keys
For example E61 has volume keys that could be used for scrolling, then we wouldn't have to press ok/enter when writing text etc. Also other devices have extra buttons that can be used. We shall see.
Multiple IRC servers
Possible, but won't be done in the near future. First all other more important functions.
DCC chat/send/receive
A bit bigger things, we'll see. After v0.5
Indicators for activity while using other apps
A bit bigger thing, not soon.
Autoreconnect + rejoin
Sometime, don't know when
changing server from input box
not scrolling to the bottom when checking the backlog and there is channel activity
Hopefully in v0.5
rejoin to channels after reconnect
After autoreconnect is done
copy&paste with multiple lines
Maybe in v0.5
Editable "frequently used commands/phrases" section in menu
Hopefully in v0.5
Translations to other languages (Finnish, Swedish, Russian...)
/close leaves channel
On-connect commands
backlight on when messages arrive
keepalive for the server connection
CTCP ping, clientinfo etc
Sound message when private messages arrive
Shorter commands possible (e.g. /j for join)
URL catcher
SSL support

Kommentit (78) | Kommentoi

v0.4 coming

08.04.2007 13.28 - mobiili 

I have written some things for the coming v0.4 release:

  • backlog for own texts so you don't have to rewrite stuff for different windows
  • copy&paste from channel/query windows (if I get it to work nicely)
  • screen flickering reduced
  • probably a keep-alive -ping for people moving a lot and getting disconnected
  • some checks for some commands that can be used to crash the whole thing (Symbian descriptors rock, you know)

I don't know when v0.4 will be out, I must see what functions I get done and when. I think it'll be out quite soon though. I have some other boring bureaucratic things to get done at the moment, so...

Kommentit (6) | Kommentoi

mIRGGI blog opened

08.04.2007 13.20 - mobiili 

As the mIRGGI has a life of its own and I do get email requests and questions, I thought I could open a new site just for it. Here you can send requests, bug reports etc as comments.

Kommentit (4) | Kommentoi

Jutut.fi  |  Omat jutut  |  Muiden jutut  |  Kategoriat  |  kirjaudu