mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Version 0.56 out

01.02.2008 21.47 - mobiili 

I added support for showing messages on top of other programs for private messages in mIRGGI. Should work on 2nd and 3rd ed, not tested that much.

Also, there are no vibrations, sounds, light going on or dot turning red if the action on a channel is just a join, topic change, mode change etc. Only messages will cause notifications.

Oh, and at the moment the query window that is selected in mIRGGI won't cause messages, even if mIRGGI is in the background. This will be fixed in the next version, as well as a setting for the notification.



Juustro (anon, 06.02.2008 11.28)

Ok, works fine on E70 what I tested.

But still settings background image in settings screen does not refresh right when mIRGGI is started on portrait and then switched to landscape.

And when starting to type with qwerty while inputbox is not active, you get uppercase letter to 2nd like: hI, cause of the automatic uppercase system. Dunno if this can be set so the first letter would be uppercase without shift and then next would be normaly lowercase.

Anyway, good work on the mIRGGI, keep it going.

(now the comment is in right place)

admire (anon, 07.02.2008 20.26) kotisivu

can't connect to linknet ssl
mine is s60 3rd, nokia 6120c

Winged (anon, 08.02.2008 12.07) kotisivu

At change of the size of a font of a line are crossed with each other
Phone N70

hyd (anon, 08.02.2008 19.03)

Crashes repeatedly after being subjected to multiple CTCP ping requests.


[ctcp(mirgii)] PING
[ctcp(mirgii)] PING
[ctcp(mirgii)] PING
[ctcp(mirgii)] PING
-:- SignOff mirgii: #channel (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

Crash monitor output:

Kill: 0,Kill

Panic: 10,USER

Tested on Nokia 6120c, mIRGII 0.56 (and earlier) 3rd edition.

Otherwise a very nice client. Thanks!

Paulo Oliveira (anon, 10.02.2008 21.47)

Hi, thanks for this good app.
I'm having some connection issues.
I was using a previous version of mIRGGI (can´t tell exactly which... maybe still 0.4.xx) and without major problems) and decided some days ago to upgrade to this version, 0.56.... but I can't connect to any server. I have a Nokia N70 and my operator is Vodafone (Portugal). I don't remember which access point was being used by my previous installation, never noticed, but with this version I see that mIRGGI is trying to connect using "Vodafone Live" access point, which is a wap access... I have some other access point configured in my system but I can't make mIRGGI connect using them, for example "Vodafone Internet" access point... Neither mIRGGI asks which connection to use, and also I can´t (or don´t know how to) setup some access point as default to be used by mIRGGI.
The result is I can´t connect with this version of mIRGGI... Can you please give some help on how to solve this problem?

I think it would also be a good feature for a future version to have mRGGI ask which access point to be used.

Thanks! Keep you good work. Despite th problem I'm having with this version it is a wonderful application.

symbiatch (anon, 11.02.2008 08.31)

The phone should ask for the AP, but in some cases 2nd ed phones use the default. I've gotten some requests for the AP selection in the settings and I do have the code in another app, so I think I'll add it to mIRGGI.

The second uppercase letter is annoying and I am checking if something can be done to this. The FEP modes are not that easy to control, unfortunately :P

Steven Mcmanus (anon, 12.02.2008 15.40)

Hey there Mirggi. I still get Mirggi Launching and exiting, with a little blink.

But runing the Crash Monitor, I get:
Panic: 14, CONE

App Info is still Showing UI Language Code : 65535

Steven Mcmanus (anon, 12.02.2008 15.42)

BTW this is on a E61, Newest Firmware. And when I ran the mIRRGGI a second time. I did not get that Agenda Server. (Whatever that was/is)

admire (anon, 15.02.2008 19.44)

could you please add Chinese charset? code is 936, thx

JaTu (anon, 18.02.2008 11.06)

miRGGI won't connect to IRC server. Any ideas?

If using name, resolving fails. If using IP-address, it just gives sysError -20 and disconnects. At the same time web browser works ok.

E51user (anon, 19.02.2008 13.09)

i get 'SysError-5120' every time i try to connect to irc on the E51.how do i fix this?

Disconnect (anon, 19.02.2008 16.31) kotisivu

I get "Connecting to server...", then the AP selector, then (no delay) "SysError: -21" "Disconnected from server"

Nokia E90, using wifi (already connected and working for messaging)

MICHALIS (anon, 21.02.2008 03.56) kotisivu

need russian language

Sami Pyykkö (anon, 21.02.2008 12.48)

Todella hyvä ohjelma! Kiitos tästä! Yhden ikävän bugin kuitenkin havaitsin. Valikkonappien tekstit eivät näy. Eli esim vasen nappi "Valikko" tai "Kirjoita" ja oikea nappi "Peruuta" tai "Exit" Puhelimeni on N95.
Jatkakaa hyvää työtä!

Danku (anon, 27.02.2008 20.17)

Ohjelma tippuu heti pois päältä kun yrittää yhdistää riippumatta käyttääkö wlania/3gp.

digiyesterday (anon, 04.03.2008 13.11)

"404 - File or directory not found" when trying to download

mIRGGI (anon, 04.03.2008 13.20)

Sorry, I just transferred the site to our new server and forgot to set the MIME types so the security measures kicked in.

Now downloading should work as usual.

CSatan (anon, 06.03.2008 18.27)

Nice, but when i´ll try to add new channell, irggi crash. when i chance colors, they wont change :( (in n73)

Z (anon, 14.03.2008 08.59)

The certificate this package has been signed with is not valid anymore. Installer says "Expired certificate". I got it installed only after changing the device date to the past (used the release date 2008-02-01).

nilkki (anon, 14.03.2008 20.12)

Nykyään sanoo ettei varmenne ole enään voimassa :( (ei pitäisi edes välittä noista varmenteista asetuksien mukaan) mutta eipä tämä muutenkaan toimi n73 puhelimessä uudella firmwarella. Olis kiva jos jaksaisit kiireltäs koodailla toimivan version.

RussianE39 (anon, 15.03.2008 07.24) kotisivu

You can try for example 6667, tested on Nokia E70 with latest fimware.

Ann (anon, 15.03.2008 12.05)

Plz add autoping.

Russian (anon, 15.03.2008 20.01) kotisivu

Hello speak me server channel # miRGGI? And which country belongs to the server?

N6600 (anon, 18.03.2008 19.11)

And where is this vibration option? Oh, and why the sounds are not linked to profiles of the phone.. I mean, when I switch to silent, mIRGGI sounds not turn off. Maybe it will be a good feature if in Silent Profile mIRGI turn in vibration mode :)
Anyway, mIRGGI is the best IRC client for S60-OS7.(Nokia 6600)

Azul (anon, 27.03.2008 17.35)

N70, ISP Elisa, server irc.elisa.fi

About 5 minutes online and:

SysError: -5105
Disconnected from server

Azul has quit [Ping timeout]

Atte (anon, 27.03.2008 22.45)

When trying to add new channel, mirggi crashes.
Y-task crash report:
Kill: 0,Kill

Panic: 3, KERN-EXEC

Kill: 0,Kill

Atte (anon, 27.03.2008 22.46)

Phone N73

n1 (anon, 13.04.2008 18.02)

Thaaaaaanx very much for this

its works fine on nokia 6681

keep up

thanx for supporting alot of languge like arabic

you the best :)


elektr00n (anon, 27.04.2008 18.12)

When I try to connect via ssl mirggi crashs. Y-Task reports;
Kill: 0,Kill

Kill: 0,Kill

Panic: 11,ViewSrv

May it helps to fix this. But anyway it's a great client :D

Phuah Yee Keat (anon, 11.06.2008 11.33)

Hi, I am running MIRGGI in samsung sgh-i550W.

It crashes after connected (I see the attempting to connect and connected messages, but it scrolled a bit and then quit straight away).

Crash Manager output:
Kill: 0,Kill

Kill: 0, Kill

Panic: 3, KERN-EXEC

Sa3d (anon, 20.06.2008 02.09)

Tommy (anon, 30.06.2008 09.40)

I love mIRGGI! But I suspect it might be the cause of some resets of my Nokia N95-3 with latest firmware as of today. One problem I noticed recently was that when I sent the message "help" to NickServ on freenode, my phone reset itself. On attempts to reproduce, the program crashes now instead, probably because of the large amount of notices being received.

Panic: 9,USER


Symbiatch (anon, 30.06.2008 20.37)

I've just fixed the problem with NickServ, I had fixed a similar problem elsewhere (NickServ sends an empty message) but there were still two places where I hadn't fixed it. I think I can release a new version (finally!) tomorrow.

SMcManus (anon, 04.07.2008 18.09)

Version 57 Out NOW!! WOOT. Awesome works great. NO more kernal panic. Fast, Now I need some IRC Servers to log into. ;)

Great App, and Great Job. ! :)

del (anon, 25.09.2008 15.12)

when using mirggi on my n95-1 i cant connect to servers.
i receive a syserror -33

im on vodafone

any ideas?

soherrys (anon, 08.10.2008 09.54)

SysError: -5105
Disconnected from server :(

luuri E90

apuja otetaan vastaan!

Deann Walters (anon, 01.05.2009 01.17) kotisivu


ari (anon, 16.11.2010 07.09)

what are the servers available for this?

coldspy (anon, 09.12.2011 01.15) kotisivu

feature not suport in my nokia 5320 xm

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