mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Version 0.55 out

01.02.2008 01.09 - mobiili 

I've just released version 0.55 (changed the versioning since 2nd ed phones don't show the third part of the version). It adds support to /quote command and also fixes the problem with the process hanging after exit. Thanks for the reports.

There are also some other minor changes but nothing noticeable. Those of you that only got the flash and mIRGGI didn't start, please report if this version works better.

Also the volume keys scroll the screen, even while input box is open. This should work in all 2nd and 3rd ed devices that have dedicated volume keys. This is why the installer says it can read user data. It doesn't read anything else, only the button data. Don't understand why getting info about multimedia buttons is "reading user data"...



tag (anon, 01.02.2008 08.49) kotisivu

Had the problem that I joind IRC and entered a long line. Then I pressed Cursor up so the line was recalled from history. Now I wanted to get rid of it. Tried Cursor down - but the empty line (was: current entry line) was not in the history. How could I have cleared the line without entering zillions of backspace?
(this was using 0.5.4 but think it doesn't matter)

Steve McManus (anon, 01.02.2008 18.09)

I am using a E61.
It seems to install fine. But I still get the a Flash, when It is loading, and that is it. I am installing on the Flash Drive. Should I try the Phone memory. ???


Steve McManus (anon, 01.02.2008 18.46)

Sorry I didn't read the earlier reply. But I am making up for it by installing a Memory Task monitor. YTasks. The Crash Monitor. brought up this.
mIRRGI CONE : 14 (Panic)
Can't see any tasks running. Do you have a name I could look for. (other than mIRGGI)

Steve McManus (anon, 01.02.2008 18.50)

Wait a minute It is showing in the Apps.
AppUid: 0xa000293b

Caption : mIRGGI
UI Language Code: 65535

mirggi (01.02.2008 19.05)

Ok, so the UI language code looks strange. The CONE 14 error means that the system can't find resources. I'll check what could cause this. On my E61 it works fine when installed in phone memory or memory card...

What language is your phone?

mirggi (01.02.2008 19.06)

tag: The right soft button acts as cancel button, so if you want to clear the whole line, press it and it'll clear the input box and close it.

Steve McManus (anon, 01.02.2008 20.08)

My phone is in english, as default. BUT, it is a Hong kong Version, with the complete Chinese language set on it. Although I am born English speaking (From Canada), I can speak Chinese now, and the writing helps. :)

Juustro (anon, 06.02.2008 11.23)

Ok, works fine on E70 what I tested.

But still settings background image in settings screen does not refresh right when mIRGGI is started on portrait and then switched to landscape.

And when starting to type with qwerty while inputbox is not active, you get uppercase letter to 2nd like: hI, cause of the automatic uppercase system. Dunno if this can be set so the first letter would be uppercase without shift and then next would be normaly lowercase.

Anyway, good work on the mIRGGI, keep it going.

Juustro (anon, 06.02.2008 11.27)

arg.. and in wrong version comment, ofc I tested 0.56 :)

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