mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Version 0.62 is out!

19.06.2009 17.20 - mobiili ohjelmointi 

Version 0.62 should now fix the problems with 5th edition. I had to change the volume keys to function as channel changing buttons since 5800 XpressMusic has no other usable buttons. Settings for servers work (they worked before if you changed them, clicked left and then back) and I changed the default colors to white background and black text.

Otherwise it's the same as 0.61 and 0.60, so only 5th edition users have to update.

To type in, you have to click the input line (I know it's a bit small, I'll make it larger), write with the virtual keyboard and press enter on the virtual kb to send it.


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fernando (anon, 19.06.2009 20.50) kotisivu

Just tried it, works perfectly now on my 5800 compared to 0.61! Thanks!

(anon, 20.06.2009 12.43)

not working on 5800xm v21. Everything seems fine but i cannot change settings. Everytime i select settings, the program exits to phones main menu. Tried to install in memorycard and into phone memory.

Matze (anon, 22.06.2009 00.25)

Just tried v0.62 on my Nokia 5800 XM and it just works perfect. It was a very nice idea to use the volumekeys as channel changers, haha =)

I've got the latest firmware (v21.0.025) and I didn't encounter any problems with the settings. It just works fine. Finally I can use IRC on my mobile phone. I'm full of joy right now ^^

I'll translate the textfile to German soon.

Matze (anon, 23.06.2009 00.12)

I tried to send you the German translation file, but irc@mirggi.net didn't work. Got a more actual e-mail address?

Mika (anon, 24.06.2009 02.08)

"I changed the default colors to white background and black text."

No, no, nooo!! I don't understand how people are using irc with settings like that. That kills your eyes. White grey or green text on black background is MUCH better for eyes. With settings like thatr you can irc thw whole day whitout eyes getting tired.

But black text on white background is just awful for etes, more so when screen is as small as phones have.

And if someone now says that green text on black backgrounds looks so 70's or something like that, then so what? It's much better for your eyes no matter if it's most beautiful or not.

(anon, 24.06.2009 02.21)

mirggi seems to crash when I try to go to settings. Atleast the application is closed, so I assume it crashes.

I have Nokia 5800 XM with firmware 21.0.025

Mika (anon, 24.06.2009 02.21)

mirggi seems to crash when I try to go to settings. Atleast the application is closed, so I assume it crashes.

I have Nokia 5800 XM with firmware 21.0.025

FrStm (anon, 24.06.2009 20.15)

Settings crash here on my E71 also. v0.60 worked fine but I upgraded my firmware and had to reinstall, and can't find that now.

Symbiatch (anon, 24.06.2009 22.08)

Mika: Oh, crap. I meant naturally to set black background and white text. Did I really set the defaults the other way around :o Sorry :(

Matze: irc at mirggi.net should work ok, but if not, symbiatch at jutut.fi works also.

I'll try to see why it's crashing on some of your devices in the settings and not on some :P

Ign (anon, 25.06.2009 17.43)

Crashes when I try to go to settings in 5800. How would I go about uninstalling this version of mIRGGI?

Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh (anon, 27.06.2009 15.37)

Crashes when I select Settings on my device
Nokia N97 with firmware 10.0.012

Antti Laiti (anon, 28.06.2009 13.15) kotisivu

Settings crashes also with E75, firmware 110.48.125.

Antti Laiti (anon, 28.06.2009 14.49) kotisivu

Workaround: install 0.60, set it up and then upgrade it to 0.62. Opening settings crash the app only if there is no previous setting data availabe.

shubjero (anon, 29.06.2009 06.10)

0.62 crashing on my E71-2 under settings. 0.60 worked flawlessly. Can't find old version either. Please help, this app is FANTASTIC!

d00ddk (anon, 29.06.2009 10.46)

settings crash on samsung omnia hd too... any news when we can expect a fix ? really dont want to install an older version first.

LiM3 (anon, 29.06.2009 11.32)

Managed to find old 0.50 version.
After upgrading from it to 0.62 everything is working. No crash when entering settings.

yuriks (anon, 29.06.2009 16.28)

Hello. Where can I download 0.60? I need it to workaround the bug but wasn't able to find it for download it.

Antti Laiti (anon, 30.06.2009 10.26) kotisivu

Here’s the 0.60 version for s60 3rd edition: http://laiti.fi/tmp/mirggi_060.sisx

Michael (anon, 01.07.2009 11.39)

I have the 5800, and I can't connect to servers for some reason. It goes:

Resolving server address...
SysError: -5120
Disconnected from server

How can I fix that?

anon (anon, 01.07.2009 13.02)

Antti Laiti (anon, 30.06.2009 10.26) kotisivu

Here’s the 0.60 version for s60 3rd edition: http://laiti.fi/tmp/mirggi_060.sisx


i get some certificate error when trying to install that.

Kelvin (anon, 01.07.2009 18.05)

N95 8GB, firmware V 20.0.016
Mirggi v0.62, it opens ok, but closes when go to "Settings".

gt (anon, 03.07.2009 00.57)

settings crashes here to, nokia E71 300.21.012

readthecommentsbeforeposting (anon, 03.07.2009 15.52)

If you get certificate error when trying to install the v0.60, set the phones date to 2008 and try again.

Nathaniel (anon, 03.07.2009 23.06) kotisivu

Just wanted to say that I did the workaround, and now it works perfectly. Thanks a lot for this!

Michael (anon, 04.07.2009 12.44)

"If you get certificate error when trying to install the v0.60, set the phones date to 2008 and try again."

Did not work on my 5800. Still got the certificate error...

Will the 0.63 version fix the settings error?

Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh (anon, 04.07.2009 18.56)

Same thing on my Nokia N97.
I did a different workaround (I copied the .ini file on the memory card from my Nokia N95.)
I hope we get something official from the dev of mIRGGI

t (anon, 06.07.2009 09.10)

First of all thanks for the great application! I use mirggi and browser the most on my N95. However new version (0.62) does seem to have some problems. My SW is 31.0.017. I can start the application ok but trying to enter settings closes the app. Trying to connect causes error message:
Resolving server address...
SysError: -5120
Disconnected from server

jukka (anon, 24.07.2009 00.28)

nope, the input line doesn't work... in fact everything else works just fine...

Jorma (anon, 10.08.2010 15.58)

Ei sitten saa asennettua mitenkään N97:aan.

Varmenteet = Kaikki jne... mutta ei onnistu niin ei onnistu !

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