mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Version 0.4.96 out

27.09.2007 14.31 - mobiili 

Version D fixes server setting problems.

I've released version 0.4.96. This version does NOT have Messenger support available yet. It does have several other things though (I've probably forgot a lot from the list and some might not work well):

  • Windows are reused if server connection breaks and you reconnect
  • Server windows can't be closed (should be: if connected, I'll fix it later)
  • away shows correct infos and in correct windows
  • Menu for joining 10 last channels for each server
  • Menu item for joining to a new channel
  • /nick newnick will update the nick that is shown to you
  • server name shown in main window
  • URL detector should find also URLs starting with www. and not http://
  • Keepalive for IRC (not well tested)
  • Vibration error fix
  • Some other minor fixes and changes

The b version fixes some problems with menus, nothing that big yet. I'll list all the changes (don't have access to version control now) later on.

I haven't tested this thoroughly yet. 0.4.96d 3rd edition 0.4.96d 2nd edition (FP0/1) 0.4.96d 2nd edition (FP2/3)

Some have mentioned about update errors. If you don't want to lose your settings, wait a while and I'll retest updating.


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beecher (anon, 27.09.2007 16.16)

Few remarks:
1. Icon in Applications is lost again
2. Opening Join channel in menu when I'm not connected crashes mIRGGI
3. Still not able to delete server configuration
4. When connected, Join channel in menu show two New channel items
5. I would suggest to create Settings with tabs as Phone settings has.

beecher (anon, 27.09.2007 16.20)

Just 1 question: Are chat windows redrawn when I change text size or colors? Thanks.

sergeym (anon, 27.09.2007 17.40)

link on 2nd edition version doesnt work :(

4epTeH0K (anon, 27.09.2007 18.12) kotisivu

When I connected with Mirggi to irc.dal.net:6667 and joing to channel #x-lab?, i'am say !п тамбов and JIuCeHoK answer to me (weather in my city) but mirggi shutdown and close after this. =((( Sorry for my bad english.

4epTeH0K (anon, 27.09.2007 18.18) kotisivu

And One thing, please make separate mirggi version without any messengers for irc monsters %) Thanx

(anon, 27.09.2007 20.24)

0.4.96c 3rd settings are completely messed up. Add new adds new MSN account. When I change "IRC" entry, settings won't be saved. And out of somewhere, number of "IRC"'s appear. All with default settings in it. When I try to delete some of them, I end up more and more "IRC"'s in profile list. Something is very-very wrong :'(

Matze (anon, 28.09.2007 01.32) kotisivu

I think instead of releasing two releases every week, you should release one per month and then test it more thoroughly instead of releasing verisons with obvious faults


sergeym (anon, 28.09.2007 05.48)

2nd edition version still crashes , when joining more than 3 channels ( this problem first appeared in 0.4.94 version :(

mirggi (28.09.2007 09.07)

Matze: But that's what you are for... ;)

I know, these versions are very much broken many times, but I've been asked to release new stuff quite frequently for now. mIRGGI is starting to be feature complete for 0.5, so I'll just fix bugs for now. 0.5 must be a stable version with as few bugs as possible and I will test it more thoroughly. I promise. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. And a couple other famous words...

Syem (anon, 28.09.2007 09.39)

In my N 6600, this mirc is not broken. Its great :D. Thanks for repair bugs, and now i see who change mode in my channel. But i have just one big bug :( .Every phrase that anyone write in channel deletes a letter that i write in that moment. Example, i wish write "mama" and in exactly that moment anyone write in channel, or privat.. deletes a letter on my word,the word "mama" changes to "maa" or "mma" or "ama" etc. Depends in what moment apear phrase anyone in channel. Thanks.

snipergpl (anon, 28.09.2007 10.45)

Not work on my N73 (!!!) Closed channel after join ( 1 channel!!!) Author PLEASE fix THIS bug.
On my N73 work 0.92, other (0.94 and etc this bug).

sergeym (anon, 28.09.2007 11.01)

Hmm , as i told i have the same bug since 0.494 , sometimes i can join 3 channel , sometimes only 1 . MIRGGI manages to join the channel , but crahes after that.

mirggi (28.09.2007 11.16)

Please, install either Y-Task or the errrd package from Nokia (as discussed in http://mirggi.jutut.fi/article/2015 ) and when reporting crashes, tell me what panic code was given.

It's stupid that Nokia/Symbian don't allow the user to see any errors more easily, but with either of those packages you'll be able to see the panic code and I can determine what caused the crash.


sergeym (anon, 28.09.2007 11.50)

All this packages are for 3rd edition :/ Are there any alternetives for 2nd ?

Tomasz (anon, 28.09.2007 13.50) kotisivu

When I try to switch to the Polish translation nothing happens, and when I closed mirggi and ran it again, it wouldn't start at all. Help!

Mikle (anon, 28.09.2007 15.09)

installer 0.4.96d can't update installed 0.4.95 version. Nokia E50

Mikle (anon, 28.09.2007 17.48)

When I wrote in settings/autocommands "PRIVMSG nickserv@*.rusnet:IDEntify password", mIRGGI says, after connect, that no such nick and when NickServ tries to rename me, mIRGGI crashes. How can I identify at RusNet services? V 0.4.95 works fine

mirggi (28.09.2007 20.04)

You can also use /msg now for autocommands, but don't know if it helps at all. I'll see if I can find out anything about that problem.

tag (anon, 28.09.2007 21.03)

Today my WLAN didn't respond after connect server probably because I was too far away from my access point to get a good connection. Said Connect to Server second time - mirggi 0.4.96d crashed.
Next start. First was disconnect from server (don't think mirggi's fault), but connecting again worked. On Exit (Yes) mirggi crashed with kern-exec 0.

Mikle (anon, 29.09.2007 08.52)

> You can also use /msg now for autocommands
Works fine now, 10x

Some questions now:
1. How can I close a window with NickServ's private or Global MOTD messages? Network - RusNet, irc.run.net:6669
2. This version crashes on quit.

Matze (anon, 29.09.2007 23.22) kotisivu


Dann glaube ich dir mal :-)
Worauf ich ja sehnlichst warte, ist das Nick-Autocomplete Feature :-)

goldren (anon, 30.09.2007 10.56)

on my N73 - works fine.

elroy (anon, 01.10.2007 00.52)

namelist doesnt work now, and so is the windows close. Some words should be translated, they arent on the translation txt.

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