mIRGGI - The First S60 3rd Edition IRC Client

Thoughts about 0.5

26.08.2007 20.14 - mobiili 

I've been thinking for a quite long time that I'd like to make my own text controls for mIRGGI. The rationale is that I haven't found any way to make the default controls behave. There are scrolling problems, there are flashes, there's everything.

One problem was that people wanted to have copy&paste. This would take quite some time to implement myself, so I didn't do anything about this. Now that I have a URL catcher, I'd like to ask if anyone would object if I removed copy&paste, made my own text controls and you only had the URL catcher? I might implement c&p someday, but I think the scrolling and flashing are the most annoying problems (and many people have said so), so I think this would make the usage a lot better.

Any comments, objections, suggestions?

I've been also thinking about getting the 0.5 version out soon. I have some thoughts about what features it should have. It should be totally translated (this has gone a long way already), it should have more commands in the menu, logging would be nice etc. So after these and the text control (I already have one version in another application) are implemented, we should have enough for a 0.5 release.

What would YOU want to see in version 0.5?


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steev (anon, 26.08.2007 23.34)

I have to say, mIRGGI is about all I would want from a mobile IRC client at the moment. Two things that 'would be nice' for me though are firstly to fix the bug with inserting symbols in the settings (on the N80 at least) and support for multiple servers/channels, even better if it was possible to connect to more than one at a time! I don't use C&P or the the URL catcher so no complaints from me. Keep up the good work :)

GekkePrutser (anon, 27.08.2007 12.50)

I'd be fine not having copy & paste, I would never use that anyway.

Features I would love to see in 0.5 would be:

- Logging, good to see what you missed
- Server Keepalives (I'm getting some random disconnects and I think this is the reason)
- CTCP ping (I think some servers use this to check client online-state, might be another reason of disconnects)
- The option of playing a sound upon activity when not in the IRC app. But you already said that this is a hard one so it wouldn't be that important.

These are just the things I would love to see but I suppose it is different for everyone. Thanks very much for the application, it is very useful as it is already!!

goldren (anon, 27.08.2007 14.23)

userlist on channel

placebo (anon, 27.08.2007 19.56)

I don't see any reason to add copy&past but what i would like to is something like FiSH encryption for normal IRC

(anon, 28.08.2007 02.32)

No copy & paste? You can't be serious.

Well... what implementing features what are discussed in http://mirggi.jutut.fi/article/1790 ?

jakke (anon, 28.08.2007 22.18)

colors would nice to see instead of symbols, and sound on private message.

pheno (anon, 29.08.2007 11.29) kotisivu

I'm using stock controls (CEikRichTextEditor) on my irc project and I havent seen any scroll problems. But I guess it depends on how you update your view after adding text to window ?

P.S. I'm slowly but slowly catching up mIRGGI functionality level on my project :) you're way ahead

pasho (anon, 30.08.2007 02.08)

as some one said b4, ill be really nice to see nicks on chanell located on the right hand side, as it is done in the actual mirc client.
all the best man

goldren (anon, 04.09.2007 13.33)

more translate:
Links - Ссылки
Autocommands - Автокоманды

Tege (anon, 08.09.2007 16.22)

It is possible to use TAB in E90 to remember nick that Mirc. Write example: te and press TAB then program full nick Tege.

If you don't understand. There go to finnish:
Eli täydentää nickin loppuun kuten Mircissä. Kirjoittaa esim. te ja painaa TAB niin täyttää loput Tege.

Tege (anon, 08.09.2007 16.22)

It is possible to use TAB in E90 to remember nick that Mirc. Write example: te and press TAB then program full nick Tege.

If you don't understand. There go to finnish:
Eli täydentää nickin loppuun kuten Mircissä. Kirjoittaa esim. te ja painaa TAB niin täyttää loput Tege.

mirggi (08.09.2007 16.37)

Yes, nick completion could work nicely on E90, E61 and other qwerty devices. Must try to implement it at least for those and see if something can be done for ITU-T models.

Sphericus (anon, 11.09.2007 16.34)

One thing I personally would like, and many of our group would appreciate, is SSL support in an upcoming version of mIRGGI.

Obviously we do not know how hard it is for you to implement, but we hope its easy and you can do it sooner rather than later.

Thank you for mIRGGI however, it is quite nice already.

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