mIRGGI 5th edition mIRGGI 3rd edition mIRGGI 2nd edition (FP0, FP1) mIRGGI 2nd edition (FP2, FP3) Bug reports Feature requests
I have not forgotten thee (12)Cert update / v0.64 (68)And the promised stuff... (6)Version 0.63 out! (64)Version 0.61 out! (8)Translation update (21)Bug reports (118)Requested features (70)
2010syyskuu (1)helmikuu (1)2009joulukuu (3)heinäkuu (3)kesäkuu (2)huhtikuu (1)2008elokuu (2)heinäkuu (3)kesäkuu (1)maaliskuu (1)helmikuu (2)tammikuu (2)2007joulukuu (1)marraskuu (2)lokakuu (3)syyskuu (13)elokuu (11)heinäkuu (5)kesäkuu (1)toukokuu (1)huhtikuu (11)maaliskuu (4)
26.08.2007 19.29 - mobiili
Version 0.4.10 is out. Fixes the problem where mIRGGI won't start when installed on a memory card.
Direct links: 3rd edition 2nd edition
I'm also going to release 0.4.11 soon, maybe even tomorrow. So no rush in getting this version to your phone.
a few bugs, software crashes when clicking on "insert symbol" in auto-join menu and "links" in the main menu when im on chanell.
any chance to see author on irc?
I'm wondering why installation shows "version 0.04"? Is that what causes updating errors? Oh wait... it was 0.04 on v0.4.6 too...
The crash with insert symbol is known and I haven't found any information about it :(
The installer shows only the major and minor version, on some phones it shows 0.04(10) etc. Symbian/S60 stuff :P
Hm, the auto commands are not working on E61i.